Thursday, October 6, 2011

How hard is a fuel pump change on a 1995 Grand Marquis?

before you drop the fuel tank(emptied of course), make sure it isn't the relay on the driver's side front fender well or breakers that is causing the problem. Find wire going to the fuel pump (Color code) and feed it with a wire from the front you know is live, If the pump works it will probably be up front and save you a lot of work
How hard is a fuel pump change on a 1995 Grand Marquis?
you have to drop the gas tank

pump is inside tank

lots of luck
How hard is a fuel pump change on a 1995 Grand Marquis?
Fairly easy. You will need to suction out the tank best you can. Then there are 2 straps with bolts on them remove bolts, drop tank down, Filler spout will follow. and on top is lock for fuel pump Remove the lock ring and drop in new pump Reminstall and you are nearly done.

Sometimes you need to purge air our of the pump, so remove the gas line in engine compartment, put on a hose purge to a gallon can.

Not much to it really.
did you check the shutoff that is in the trunk in case of emergecies it shuts the gas off. it can shut off and act like the pump is bad . on demolition cars we wire them together and take out the is usually located on the drivers side in the trunk behind the carpet by where the hinges are for the is on the inside of the quarter panel there(fender).

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