i have an older aerostar van. the van started shaking like it was out of gas and even sometimes cut off in the middle of the road. after trying numerous things, I decided to change the fuel pump since this seemed to be the problem.... well after changing the pump that seemed to fix the problem, however, it started acting up on me, doing the same things it was doing before.. is it possible i bought a faulty pump or what??? i dont get it..
Changed fuel pump, vehicle drove fine for 2 weeks, now starting to act up again?
I found out that you can purchase a cheap fuel pump at NAPA and get by for awhile, or you can go to the dealership and get the more expensive pump and not have any problems. Certain vehicals need the better pump as they require more PSI to the motor. I found this out after purchasing a $130.00 fuel pump, it went out less then a year later.
Please also check your in-line fuel filter, you can also add an addittive to clean out the system.
Good luck.
Changed fuel pump, vehicle drove fine for 2 weeks, now starting to act up again?
you should run a pressure test on the fuel pump.Any shop should be able to do this .While at it let them change your gas filter and maybe check and see if you have water or dirt in your gas tank just my 2cents worth
do you ever put dry gas in your tank, if it is cold where you are your gas could be getting restricted by ice, check your fuel filter and replace a fuel tanks build up a lot of condensation and if a person does not put dry gas in the tank you could accumulate a lot of water, I add a bottle every 5 or 6 months, this might not be the problem but sometimes the little thing can haunt you the worse.
Could be any number of things wrong. defective fuel pump, clogged fuel filter, bad ignition coil etc.
Visit a local repair shop and have the sytem checked out.
good luck......
chances are the older fuel pump clogged your filter everytime you change a pump you should change the filter just cuz the new pump which is stronger will pump the rust etc into the injectors .. I would start with the filter it is the easiest and cheapest to replace then go from there
I just replaced the fuel pump in my '91 S-10, and had the same problem. To my surprise, the solution was quite simple, possibly the same in your case, at least we can hope! Consider the possibility that your can is out of gas! ^_^ When I had my fuel pump replaced, the gas gauge became bent when the new pump was installed. My gas gauge was reading nearly half a tank of gas, but I was experiencing symptoms as though I was out of gas. I parked the truck on a downhill, and after several attempts it started up okay. Put in some gas, and now it's good as new, other than I have no idea how much gas is in my truck! ^_^
If this doesn't help, try starting your van with the gas cap off, it could be a build up of pressure, something completely different than your fuel pump, I experienced this problem with my Kia.
Good luck, hope this helps!
did you change the fuel filter too and bleed the lines?
It is definitely possible to have gotten a faulty pump. It happened to me twice in a row and the third one finally worked. Also you might need to check the screens. There is one in the tank and quite possibly one along the frame. Depending on how old it is, you may have to replace the in-line fuel filter too. Hope this helps.
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